Nottoli NW Services LLC.

Nottoli NW was founded and ran as a botique international investment fund until 2015. Investor positions have historically been across multiple sectors including emerging capital markets and FinTech.

Technology and data combined with cloud computing leverage has exploded, and the companies shift has gradually left a focus from capital markets to a focus on software development using open source tools, AI, Machine Learning, data science, and big data. Our mission is providing software solutions to real world problems.

Mobile Technology

As the data comes rapidly to our world we live in a mobile first driven world. In 2023 stats are minimum: 58% of all web apps are run almost exclusively on mobile devices, it creates a strong consideration for mobile experiences. When considering how our software services are developed and deployed production concerns are always client first.

100% Remote

As technology grows and cross platform security is increasingly advanced with global connectivity, our offices and teams connect and work 100% remote.

AI, ML: Machine Data Driven

As the world is flooded with data we use increasingly advanced algorithms and tools for collection, analysis, and aggregation of data across all sectors of the economy to model how humans and markets behave, a new level of analysis is required across sectors by technologists.

What we do

Simply put, we solve problems. We identify markets and build and develop accordingly using best practices and agile development practices. We also have a keen eye for talent acquisition.

Tech Stack

From web applications to native mobile applications, we are constantly evolving with cutting edge high performance client and server side technology stacks, as well as modern database technologies.


Security is paramount today. We focus on the best cryptographic solutions.


Custom solutions for bleeding edge tech integrated with creative problem solving, we are constantly evolving and building solutions for clientele.


If a user can't seamlessly utilize the app with quality UI and experience, it will make all the difference for user growth.

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Quality Standards

We use agile scrum to quickly generate prototypes and only ship after extensive qa/quality control standards.

Get in touch

Drop us a line. Let us know your business needs here: